3 Reasons Your 商用制冰机需要高级水处理



饮料中的冰块和饮料本身一样重要. 坏冰会影响它接触到的所有东西的质量, 在最坏的情况下, 甚至会携带让人生病的细菌. This is why it is crucial to keep your ice machine in mind when you design your water treatment plan for your business. The quality of the water going into your machine will determine the quality of your ice.

在投资水处理系统的同时 工业软水机 为您的商业建筑是常见的, you can really up your game by looking at advanced water treatment options for isolated areas that get a lot of use. 制冰机就是其中之一. 是否决定安装 反渗透系统, 紫外线灯, 或增强过滤选项, 你可以确保你的冰是新鲜的, 水干净,可安全饮用.


当水进入你的生意, you are contending with microscopic molecules that affect the quality of your water. A softener system can help remove minerals like calcium and magnesium. However, your water may still contain contaminants such as bacteria and even chemicals. 为了客户的安全和健康, 还有你的声誉, 你希望你的客户得到最好的. A 商业水处理 解决方案将允许您这样做.

因为每个情况都是不同的, it’s always a good idea to bring in an experienced water professional to help you determine the best solution for your business. 他们会考虑你的水的质量, 你们工厂的规模, 你用了多少水, and the kind of business you run to determine the best treatment plan.

Investing in a water treatment that includes a 软水器 to soften the water, 紫外线灯去除细菌, 反渗透使水纯净,改善口感, and filters to remove sediment will have distinct benefits for the ice you use.

1. 延长制冰机的寿命

An ice maker has internal components that can easily get gunked up by hard water. 钙和镁使你的水变硬. The higher the mineral content, the harder the water, and the bigger the problem.

这些矿物质产生水垢, which is a build-up of hardened minerals that can be difficult to get rid of. 水垢会破坏制冰机. High levels of build-up will clog the water lines and affect how the internal components work together.

当您的机器专用于清洁时, 软化水, 你积累水垢的风险要低得多. 这使水自由流动, 您的内部组件工作正常, 从而成倍延长制冰机的使用寿命.

2. 改善冰的味道

很有可能,你对硬水的可怕味道很熟悉. When you use hard water to make ice, that taste will linger in every beverage you serve. You can serve the best drinks in all of Texas, but if your ice is bad, it will ruin them. 冰融化了,饮料里就有了硬水的可怕味道.

这是一个要避免的简单问题, and all it takes is softening and filtering the water that goes into your ice machine. 软化的水会去除矿物质, 通常需要额外的过滤来改善味道. 为你的制冰机投资一个水处理系统, 你也保证了美味的饮料和快乐的顾客. You won’t run the risk of a negative customer experience or a bad review because the quality of your local water is infiltrating your beverages.

3. 提高冰面的安全性

Every business owner dreads the thought of their customers getting sick and the PR nightmare that will come with it. Treating your ice machine water is a great way to ensure that diners stay healthy and avoid exposure to bacteria that can build up in a poorly maintained ice maker.

Your water supply is susceptible to picking up chemicals and contaminants. 而绝大多数时候, these don’t pose a risk to the public; there are times that the patrons of your business may be at risk. When you invest in 商业水处理, you can prevent the problem before it ever happens. 紫外线灯 and specialized filters can kill microorganisms and remove any potentially harmful particles from your water before they enter your ice machine will help keep it clean and ensure the ice itself is made from the freshest water. You can sleep easy knowing that the ice in your customer’s drink is perfectly safe to consume.

在商业世界里,一切都取决于细节. 冰是一个值得注意的细节. Your water treatment company has incredible and technologically advanced solutions that are perfect for your business. 有无尽的选择和组合提供给你, 你可以找到一个既能满足你的需求又能满足你预算的解决方案. Working with a water professional who is familiar with your local water and has experience with commercial advanced treatment options will be the best resource for your company.

污染或硬水不一定要赢. It is a frustrating problem, but with the right tools, you will forget it was ever an issue.

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